
Documentation Quickstart

Once quarto (and LaTeX) is installed, simply run quarto render && quarto preview to rebuild and preview the site locally.

Quarto Only

You can install Quarto yourself to just work with the documentation.

Quarto + Resume

Install TeX Live or a TeX distribtion of choice to work with the LaTeX resume output.

Devcontainer Quickstart

  1. Install Docker
  2. Install VSCode and the Dev Container Extension
  3. Clone this repository
  4. Open the root folder in the docs-prebuilt container to work with documentation, or the dev-build container to rebuild yourself and develop

Windows Quickstart

While installing on MacOS seems trivial through installing Docker, working on Windows requires a WSL installation in order to work.

Install Steps

You have to jump through a few hoops to install Docker:

  1. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-gb/windows/wsl/install
    • Install WSL and a linux Distribution to run containers in
  2. https://www.docker.com/
    • Install Docker, and create an account for personal use
  3. https://code.visualstudio.com/blogs/2020/07/01/containers-wsl
    • Follow remaining steps in this Guide


https://askubuntu.com/questions/1380253/where-is-wsl-located-on-my-computer while not explicitly a bug, you should make sure to move over your git repo into the WSL home directory for best performance! I was shocked how much faster things were…

Dev-Container / VSCode

  1. I personally had some quite mysterious bugs that were happening as a result of my storage being almost full. Cleaning that out helped, as well as the occasional restart. Symptoms of this included:
    • Docker failing to delete an old container. This is worthwhile doing as old containers can take up space
    • VSCode failing to build a dev-container. There were a variety of errors here - unable to start shell, unable to build container, unable to run on read-only file system…

File Endings

  1. I opened/edited some files with the file line ending in “windows mode”, and so that appeared in git. I resolved this by installing and using pre-commit, which enforces specific line endings.