Pip and poetry should show the same things by virtue of poetry environments just being pipenvs under the hood:
In [3]:
!poetry config --list
In [4]:
!poetry env list
In [5]:
!poetry show
I didn’t do this programmatically, but it seems clear that poetry and pip are on the same page, but poetry gives more detailed information.
Container specifics
In [8]:
!cat /proc/cpuinfo
In [9]:
!cat /etc/os-release
In [10]:
!apt list
This is a helpful tool in summarising Python environment from what might have been missed in previous output.
TODO: Use options from watermark…
In [12]:
%load_ext watermark
In [13]:
Now that manim is installed, let’s try and configure a test video for our extension.
In [5]:
# Need to import into Jupyter Kernel before we can call cell magic# We could do something similar with watermark FWIWimport manim as mnfrom manim_revealjs import PresentationScene, COMPLETE_LOOP
Manim Community v0.17.3
In [6]:
%%manim -qm -v WARNING DemoScenemn.config.video_dir="./videos"class DemoScene(PresentationScene):def construct(self):# TODO find out why end_fragment has the t parameter rect = mn.Rectangle(fill_color=mn.BLUE, fill_opacity=1)self.play(mn.Create(rect))self.end_fragment()self.play(rect.animate.shift(mn.UP).rotate(mn.PI /3))self.end_fragment(fragment_type=COMPLETE_LOOP)self.play(rect.animate.shift(3*mn.LEFT))self.end_fragment()
In [7]:
%manim --help
Usage: manim [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Animation engine for explanatory math videos.
--version Show version and exit.
--help Show this message and exit.
cfg Manages Manim configuration files.
checkhealth This subcommand checks whether Manim is installed correctly...
init Create a new project or insert a new scene.
new (Deprecated) Create a new project or insert a new scene.
plugins Manages Manim plugins.
render Render SCENE(S) from the input FILE.
See 'manim <command>' to read about a specific subcommand.
Note: the subcommand 'manim render' is called if no other subcommand is
specified. Run 'manim render --help' if you would like to know what the '-ql' or
'-p' flags do, for example.
Made with <3 by Manim Community developers.